Are You Facing Sexual Assault Charges? Here's How To Avoid A Harsh Judgment

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Sexual assault charges can make you spend a long time in prison or face severe consequences if convicted. Therefore, if you’re facing these charges, you have to do everything legally possible to avoid getting a severe punishment. You should know that the most important step is contacting a criminal defense attorney as soon as the law enforcers arrest you. They will educate you on your rights and advise you to take the following measures to avoid getting a harsh judgment.…

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How To Challenge Drug Case Evidence

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For drug crime attorneys, one of the most common responses to charges against their clients is to challenge the evidence. Take a look at four ways drug crimes lawyers will try to raise questions about evidence in order to attempt to undermine the state’s case against a defendant. Chain of Custody Whenever a prosecutor presents any piece of evidence, they have to prove there has been an unquestioned and unbroken chain of custody.…

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Not Guilty Of That DUI? What To Do

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It might be hard to believe but you can be arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) even if you are sober. It happens more often than law enforcement will admit, but it does occur to innocent drivers all the time. To learn more, read on. False Arrests and DUI Charges When you are wrongfully arrested for something that you did not do, it might be considered false arrest. However, false arrest is a civil matter.…

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How Strong A Defense Is There For Marijuana Possession?

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When a marijuana possession attorney helps a client tackle a case, they have to consider the possible defenses. If you’re facing marijuana possession charges, the strength of your potential defense will hinge on these four factors. Jurisdiction The menu of available defenses for a marijuana attorney to even consider starts with the jurisdiction. Are you in a state that allows recreational use? If so, were you in possession of more than state law allows?…

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